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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2015

Space Station 13 remake liberated!

Hình ảnh
Many of us know Space Station 13 as "that awesome game I never played". Along with games like Dorf Fortress it stands as one of the pinnacles of the gameplay philosophy of fun through massive amounts of diversity. Originally developed in one of the most broken and unupdated platforms ever imaginable, BYOND, fans of the game have been trying to develop a standalone remake of the game for a while. After a long period of development, the team of Robust Games, in charge of the project, decided to liberate the whole thing and turn to open development. This means all of the code is now GPLv3 and all of the art assets are now CC-BY-SA, effectively making the game 100% free-as-in-free-domes.  So what are you waiting for? Get to developin'! EDIT: Apparently only the placeholder sprites (not the fancy ones in the screenshot) have been released under CC-BY-SA. The game should still be 100% playable with these, though. Official page Source Code (github) Code License: GPLv3 Assets ...

Galaxy Forces: Moon Lander Action!

Hình ảnh
Galaxy Forces is an open-source moon lander shooter single-/multiplayer game hosted on SourceForge, it is nearly finished. It is unique of its kind in offering global hiscores and achievements. Replays and AI enemies also available. Try it . It plays on Win, Mac and Linux.