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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2015

SDL2 FPS & on Finding New Open Source Games

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I took a quick look whether one could find some open source games news (new game projects to be specific) by sorting SourceForge game projects by date but no luck, only established projects seem to show up there. So I did the same on GitHub , and after making educated guesses whether projects might be worth clicking based on their title and short description, I f ound  graphitemaster / neothyne . The project uses SDL2, is about half a year old, doesn't have shooting functionality but at least movement feels kind of nice and definitely fast. In fact I'm honestly surprised that SDL is usable for 3D. Neothyne is an attempt at getting back to the roots of good old twitch shooting akin to that of Quake World.. It certainly feels more like Cube 1 or Quake, rather than OpenArena, Sauerbraten or Nexuiz. What surprised me even more that it compiles in mere seconds. To come back to the point of finding games: My impression is that development is getting faster, projects are getting more...